I am having an issue with linking my 'Billing Codes' to my 'Group 5' SOV Codes. It will not save. I have unlinked, deleted the group codes, reentered the group codes and relinked the two together multiple times to no avail. There is an error message that pops up that does not allow the SOV to save that says "Group Name is Missing".
Apparently this is a known issue. Another PM had this same exact problem and error message, but AJ fixed it for them and they don't know what he did to fix it. They were told that it was a glitch in the system.
AJ is out the rest of the week and I NEED to get my pencil req into the Owner for review. Does anyone know how to fix this, AND how can we prevent this from happening in the future? 2 PMs have now wasted considerable time on this same issue.
Thank you!
Was able to add group code 04 (Masonry) to group 5 successfully. If error message appears suggest to exit and re-enter module as bad data may have been pulled. Periodically save to check current workflow and status. Setting group 5 first and then updating the billing codes is recommended.
@nmuller I found this post by Bill with a video showing how to fix it. Let me know if this doesn't work! https://www.peopleandculturelkco.com/cmicdiscussionboard/_cmic/common-group-code-issue-sov-groupings